Monday, April 13, 2009

Complete Surrender.

This weekend was good. Went to see Receiver and Tonelove on Friday night at The Boot. They were both fabulous. It was a pretty cool place.
Shot Rose's wedding all day Saturday which was fun and then spent the rest of the night with Lauren. Easter was great. Spent it with the family + Lauren, who is practically my sister. All in all it was a weekend well spent...

On a different note, there are some things that I have been thinking about and talking to God about for a while and a couple recent issues that I have really been seeking Him on as well. He hears me, I know he does, but if I am being honest, lately it feels like I'm hitting an invisible wall. Completely impenetrable. I can't see it and I can't figure out how to get around it.
I know patience and trust are major road blocks for me. 
I say that I trust him completely but in reality I don't even know what it means to trust Him with my whole heart. Who am I trying to fool? I think that if I can somehow can change certain people, change myself, try to be who they want me to be, manipulate circumstances, that the outcome will somehow be what I was hoping for. In my need to assert my independence I find myself trying to be independent in my own knowledge of the here and now and my own strength apart from God. I want and need to come to a place where I am so dependent on Him that I know nothing else. 
Patience is a constant struggle for me. We live in a microwave society. Everything is at our beck and call when and where we want it. I have come to learn the hard way that God doesn't work on our time. 
I am so impatient most times and expect something instantaneous to transpire after I lay it all out there for Him. Possible, yes. Likely, probably not. 
God is an amazing dad. He knows exactly what we need and when we need it. When He places things in our lives that cause us to seek after Him and to just wait on Him and Him alone it causes us to grow. I definitely have not arrived yet and am constantly growing. 
I need Him. I don't just need a little of Him I need ALL of Him. I am not going to stop pressing in for the things that are heavy on my heart. I can't. 

I am coming to a place of complete surrender. God is God, I am not. 

1 comment:

  1. geeze louise, do i know what you are talking about.
    it's hard to put into words, but i think you did it amazingly well.
    invisible, impenetrable walls surround me.... i compare it to being stuck in a bubble... i can see what is happening all around me... but I cannot move. I'm stuck.
    I'm going through some lame times.... I want to change my heart so very muchly, but like you said changing ourselves [if that is even possible] and our circumstances will not lead to growth and dependence on God.
    Thanks for the reminder...sometimes i think i'm the only one who feels stuck in a rut with a heavy heart! <3
    i will pray for you, friend.

    p.s. i need models in the next few weeks for a photography project... it involves a full length mirror [i need to find one i can borrow] and the outside world.
    would you be interested in being a model? hahaha. :] i think you would be lovely.
